EUSBSR Annual Forum: Session on International Assistance in Emergencies and Disasters, 29 Sep 2021

The Annual Forum of the European Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the largest event of the Strategy. It brings together all the stakeholders implementing the EUSBSR as well as other participants interested in managing the challenges the Baltic Sea Region faces. The 12th Annual Forum takes place virtually from 27 September to 1 October 2021.
The OIL SPILL Project and EUSBSR Policy Area on Maritime Safety and Security (PA Safe) organized the session no. 4 on Wednesday, 29 September 2021, at 10–12 am (CET):
International assistance in emergencies and disasters – procedures and practicalities for requesting and receiving assistance in the event of a natural or manmade disaster in the Baltic Sea Region
This session dealt with Host Nation Support activities of Rescue Services and focused on coastal and maritime incidents involving oil or chemical spills. The 2-hour slot comprised a short introduction to the theme followed by expert presentations and a concluding panel discussion. The session and the panel discussion were moderated by OIL SPILL Project Director Lauri Ojala.
The presentations can be downloaded as pdf documents below:
- Welcoming words by Policy Area on Maritime Safety and Security, Mr. Valtteri Laine, PA Safe
- EU Civil Protection Mechanism – overview and specifics of marine pollution emergencies, Mr. Gian Marco Desogus, DG ECHO / ERCC
- Marine Pollution – Regional Collaboration in Europe, Mr. Markku Mylly, frm DG of European Maritime Safety Agency
- HELCOM cooperation on response to spills, Executive Secretary Mr. Rüdiger Strempel, HELCOM
- A Host Nation Support view from Rescue Services, Mr. Mikael Mattila, Southwest Finland Emergency Services, Project Manager of Finnish HNS Rescue Service
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