Campus Sport Turku, roddis, gym, fitness, student life,

Part 4: Roddis Gym

Greetings, fellow fitness enthusiasts! We want to tell you about the excellent possibilities for a healthy student lifestyle you can have for a affordable price here in Turku.  Following our journey around different CampusSports’ gym at the campus of the University of Turku,  we would now like to introduce you to Roddis gym.

Location of CampusSport: Roddis

Unlike Educarium and ASA gyms, Roddis gym is not located exactly on the campus of the University of Turku (UTU) Though, it is still close by. You can get there by walking or taking a quick bus ride from the campus. All it takes is one or two bus stops, depending on the route you choose. The gym is open throughout the whole week, from early morning until late evening. The opening hours vary between different days, so be sure to check them out beforehand!

CampusSport in Turku, Finland. Roddis gym.

One of the first things you will notice here is that walls are covered with different posters, pictures, paintings and even some equipment related to rowing. In fact, the premises of Roddis gym once used to be an indoor rowing tank, which explains the atmosphere very well.

Who is CampusSport: Roddis for?

Roddis gym is suitable for strength and fitness training with lots of free weights. Gym equipment is quite versatile, including barbells, bench press, dumbbells, front press, seated chest press, leg extension, back extension, two spinning bikes and much more. Despite the gym being quite old and equipment old fashioned, you can still have a proper workout! There are also some spacious lockers and keys are provided, in case you would like to leave your personal belongings there. On the downside, the gym is relatively small and not suitable for cardio training. What a bummer! Also, the dressing rooms and showers were surprisingly small.

Campus Sport has prepared a video introduction, take a look!

CampusSport in Turku, Finland. Roddis gym.
CampusSport in Turku, Finland. Roddis gym.

Read the other blog posts by Kristaps and Jonathon about Campus Sport´s gyms in Turku here:
Part 1: Introduction and Educarium Gym
Part 2: ASA GYM
Part 3: Formis Gym

Now we are off to visit the last gym and work on our last blog. Stay tuned!

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