Heta Pöyliö & Patricia McMullin Formal adult education can advance gender equality by boosting female employment and addressing women’s labor market disadvantages. Policies supporting adult education and work-family balance can help mothers overcome barriers to pursuing their learning goals. In order for the Finnish economy to maintain a sustainable labour […]
Prakash Khanal Parental mental health is crucial in shaping children’s emotional well-being and resilience. Understanding this association is vital for fostering healthy environments where children can thrive despite various challenges. Prior research consistently demonstrates that the mental health of parents significantly impacts their children’s mental health (van Dijk et al., […]
Essi-Lotta Tenhunen Transferring a victim of school bullying to a new school is often a debated practice in public discourse, raising questions such as, “Why should the victim have to switch schools?” and “Shouldn’t the bully be required to change schools?” Although these are reasonable questions, the simple answer is […]
Sarah Malamut INVEST blog 14/2020 Peer victimization – being targeted with aggression by one’s peers – is a serious problem for children and adolescents. In particular, peer victimization is related to social, behavioral, and emotional difficulties (e.g., Card & Hodges, 2008). This is why it is important to have a […]
Sanna Herkama & Juuso RepoTranslation Anna Murgo INVEST Blog 7/2020 INVEST Psychology and KiVa Programme research team at the University of Turku offered Finnish KiVa schools an extraordinary corona survey to be filled in 4-13 May 2020. The survey was available for all grades of comprehensive school (grades 1-9 meaning […]
Jessica Trach INVEST Blog 3/2020 It is important for children to feel safe at school so that they can learn the essential academic and social skills needed to become healthy and productive members of society. Several decades of research on school bullying has shown that experiencing peer victimization during childhood […]