Sinikka Pöllänen, Marja-Leena Rönkkö, Anssi Salonen, Tellervo Härkki & Eila Lindfors Keywords Multi-material, holistic craft process, craft education, basic education Abstract Craft education is a multi-material-based school subject in basic education, the contents, and activities of which are supported by the working methods of both technical work and textiles. According […]
Henriikka Vartiainen, Matti Tedre, Ilkka Jormanainen, Juho Kahila, Teemu Valtonen & Tapani Toivonen Keywords artificial intelligence, machine learning, data-driven design, technology education, skills for the future Abstract Artificial intelligence, and especially new machine learning technologies, are key drivers of technological breakthroughs. Today, machine learning is also increasingly merging into the […]
Niina Väänänen & Sinikka Pöllänen Keywords Immaterial craft, sustainable development, craft product, craft skill, ecological handprint Abstract The concept of sustainable craft is crafts’ response to sustainability. This theoretical article views the craft’s potential to be an ecological handprint. We first view discussion through literature, followed by opening the concept […]
Mia Porko-Hudd & Barbro Sjöberg Keywords multiliteracy, reflection, evaluation, portfolio, diary, blog, microblogging Abstract The emphasis of the current curriculum is laid on multiliteracy in the basic education and appears in the subject of craft through increased focus on documentation of multimodal activities. This leads to a new way of […]
Henna Lahti & Sini Davies Keywords discovery learning, e-textiles, apparel design, smart clothing Abstract In this article we examined an invention project in a comprehensive school where a group of pupils designed and manufactured a set of smart clothing. The study is a part of a wider research project in […]
Eila Lindfors, Juha Jaatinen, Sara Wendelius & Miika Uljas Keywords learning and working environment, space planning and contruction, craft design and technology education, basic education Abstract In Finland the curriculum of subject Craft, Design and Technology (CDT) education is renewed and there is a need to reconsider how to plan […]
Poster for EARLI Tellervo Härkki ja Henriikka Vartiainen The study explores how teachers develop collaborative teaching (co-teaching) practices for making projects. Traditionally, Finnish schools have two makerspaces: one for technical crafts and one for textile, each with a specialized subject teacher. Introducing open-ended making projects that place pupils in charge […]
Craft is a compulsory learning-by-doing subject for pupils in grades one to seven. The activities are based on craft expression, design and technology (CDT). This research is part of national endeavours to develop innovative CDT as a basic education subject. This paper briefly explores two studies in which technical work […]
To be able to learn innovation competencies, pupils need to have opportunities for problem solving in pedagogical innovation processes. Goal orientation has a motivational power for individual engagement in innovative activity. Goal orientation is understood as an individual disposition toward developing one’s ability in achievement settings. It is a way […]
The questions elaborated upon and discussed in this article emanate from all educational levels at which education and studies in crafts appear in Finland. The following questions permeate the article: What is the status of Finland´s educational craft field at the end of the 2010s? […]