Article: Towards co-creation – Observations of the teacher’s role in the smart clothing project

Henna Lahti & Sini Davies


discovery learning, e-textiles, apparel design, smart clothing


In this article we examined an invention project in a comprehensive school where a group of pupils designed and manufactured a set of smart clothing. The study is a part of a wider research project in which the school is being developed as an inventive and innovative community. In this study we analysed how the design and manufacturing processes of the smart clothing proceeded and what roles the teachers had during the process. The research data comprised video recordings of nine project sessions. All the teaching episodes containing interactions between the teacher and the pupils were surveyed as part of the macro level analysis. Based on the theory-driven analysis, the different forms of the interaction were identified and interpreted. In the results, the nature of the teacher’s role emerged in both the co-creation of the smart clothing and in directing the pupils’ actions. Successful co-creation requires enough time, skill, and motivation to solve challenging design problems.


Lahti, H., & Davies, S. (2021). Kohti yhteiskehittelyä: Havaintoja opettajan roolista älyvaateprojektissa. Ainedidaktiikka5(2), 51–67.

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