Bridging North America: Inauguration of the John Morton Center

Bridging North America: Inauguration of the John Morton CenterBridging North America: Inauguration of the John Morton Center
The recently launched John Morton Center for North American Studies held its inaugural event on Tuesday, April 29, in the University of Turku’s Calonia building. The Center’s new director and powerhouse Benita Heiskanen did not rest on her laurels in starting the center’s activities: in the past three months she has already, with the help ...

More Poetry from Our Students

Wizard Battle Inside enchanted magical valley Dark, narrow, ominous alley Dastardly, evil, warlock-meeting Legendary Thor, coming, greeting Attacking with spells, fantastic blunder Powerful, brave, controlling thunder Using lightning, scary, frightening Boldly fighting, wrongs righting Calling strong blizzards Freezing poor wizards Impervious to pain Summoning rain Until Enemies swimming in water Old Nordic tales, better than ...

Poetry from our students

This academic year, our (mostly) first-year students have been assigned poetry-writing as a part of the Academic Writing Skills I course, taught by Henno Erikson Parks and Justin Parks (no relation). Our poetry expert and recent PhD, Elina Siltanen, selected some of the poems to be showcased here on the blog for your enjoyment. Well ...