Organizing an in-service teacher training module – societal interaction at its best

Organizing an in-service teacher training module - societal interaction at its bestOrganizing an in-service teacher training module - societal interaction at its best
During the academic year of 2022-2023, the English Department and the Centre for Language Learning Research (Leala) have had the pleasure of hosting a national in-service teacher training module for second or foreign language (L2) teachers in Finland. We named this module SuSuKi, which stands for Sujuvuutta suulliseen kielitaitoon (roughly translated as “making oral language ...

Beyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary school

Beyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary schoolBeyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary school
When I was in upper secondary school (‘lukio’ in Finnish), two of my teachers organized a “Rome Club” (‘Rooma-kerho’), which could be taken as an optional course. In order to receive credit for the course, we needed to take part in a variety of activities, one of which was attending guest lectures by researchers and ...