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LogOn Baltic final conference (TACIS component): Making St. Petersburg Russia’s Logistics Arch of Triumph

Conference was held at the Finnish Consulate General in St. Petersburg on 28th November 2008.

Conference focused on regional development from logistics point of view. It provided key results of the LogOn Baltic project, as well as insights from the public sector and industry on logistics opportunities and challenges in St. Petersburg and its adjacent regions.

The following files are available for download:

Programme (PDF/0,1MB)

Prof. Lauri Ojala, Turku School of Economics: Developing Regions through Spatial Planning and Logistics & ICT Competence (PDF)

Prof. Lauri Ojala, Turku School of Economics: Вклад пространственного планирования и роста потенциала логистики и информационных логистических систем в экономическое развитие регионов 2006 – 2007 (PDF)

Mr. Timo Jaakkola, DHL: Challenges in realising DHL Freight’s business strategy in Russia (PDF)

Mr. Seppo Lehtinen, City of Turku: Logistics in the Expertise and Business Strategy of Turku (PDF)

Prof. Valery Lukinsky, St.Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics:Envisioning the realisation of St.Petersburg as Russia’s logistics arch of triumph (RUS) (PDF)

Mr. Alexey Lvov, St.Petersburg City Goverment: Development of Transport System of St.Petersburg (PDF)

Dr. Mikhail Pimonenko, ILOT: Development Measure Impact Analysis on regional development related to logistics and ICT in St.Petersburg, Russia (PDF)

Dr. Mikhail Pimonenko, ILOT: Анализ влияния некоторых факторов на развитие региона в области логистики и ИТ в Санкт-Петербурге, России. (PDF)

Prof. Gunnar Prause, Wismar University: Key findings on ICT usage of LogOn Baltic (PDF)

Mr. Markus Weidmann, SMI Russia; Development of the Logistics Services Markets in Russia (PDF)

Mr. Markus Weidmann, SMI Russia; Развитие рынка логистических услуг в России (PDF)

Mr. Alexander Zamaletdinov, OOO Valio: Logistics challenges and opportunities for Valio in St.Petersburg (PDF)

New publications available

The following reports are available in publications section:


LogOn Baltic Final Conference on 22nd November 2007 in Hamburg, Germany
The final conference was organised by the Kühne School of Logistics and Management GmbH (Hamburg School of Logistics), on behalf of the LogOn Baltic Management team and in co-operation with the Wachstumsinitiative Süderelbe AG at the Hotel Hafen Hamburg in Germany.

Speakers included Mr. Axel Gedaschko, Senator of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Mr. Kurt Bodewig (member of the German Federal Parliament, retired Federal Minister and chairman of the board of the Baltic Sea Forum e.V. – Pro Baltica), Mr. Igors Graurs, Riga City Council, Director of Foreign Affairs Office, Ms. Karin Jaanson, Vice Mayor of the City of Tartu, Mr. Pekka Ruola, Chairman of the City Board, City of Turku, as well as numerous representatives of the Baltic partner regions.

Some 140 particpants joined the final conference of the LogOn Baltic project.

The following presentations are available for download:

Programme (PDF/0,1MB)
List of participants (PDF/0,1MB)
Opening words

Senator Axel Gedaschko
Senator for Urban Development and Environment, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kersten
President of the Kühne School of Logistics and Management GmbH (formerly HSL Hamburg School of Logistics gGmbH) Hamburg, Germany

Introduction to the LogOn Baltic project within the Interreg IIIb program (PDF/0,6MB)
Prof. Dr. Lauri Ojala
Project Director, Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland

Selected examples for interregional cooperations in the Baltic Sea Region

The future of the Baltic Sea Region as an economic, political and cultural area (PDF/0,1MB)
Kurt Bodewig
Member of the Bundestag, former Federal Minister, Chairman of the Baltic Sea Forum e.V. – pro Baltica, Berlin, Germany

Benefits and obstacles of interregional cooperations for Southwest Finland (PDF/1,2MB)
Pekka Ruola
Chairman of the City Board, Turku, Finland

Riga as Regional Center, its role and interregional activities (PDF/4,2MB)
Igors Graurs
Riga City Council, Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs Riga, Latvia

Presentation of the results of the LogOn Baltic project

Members of the international project management team:

Status and needs of logistics users and providers in the Baltic Sea Region (PDF/0,4MB)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kersten
President of the Kühne School of Logistics and Management GmbH (formerly HSL Hamburg School of Logistics gGmbH), Hamburg, Germany

Level of ICT usage and needs in the Baltic Sea Region (PDF/0,3MB)
Prof. Dr. Gunnar Prause
University of Wismar, Wismar, Germany

Regional development in the Baltic Sea Region (PDF/1,3MB)
Håkan Aronsson and Staffan Eklind
Linköping University and Transportcentrum AB, Linköping, Sweden and Norrköping, Sweden

Best Practice in regional development: Logistics projects and their regional implications

The expansion of the Tartu airport – requirements and implications for Estonian air transport (PDF/0,5MB)
Karin Jaanson
Deputy Mayor Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

N.N. (PDF/xxMB)
Ingo Steves
Manager und Country Director Germany, Gazeley Germany GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

Status quo of logistics in Saint Petersburg (PDF/1,4MB)
Prof. Dr. Sc. Yury Nurulin
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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LogOn Baltic dissemination event on 16th October 2007
in Brussels

Turku School of Economics, Lead Partner of the Interreg III B project LogOn Baltic
“Developing Regions through Spatial Planning and Logistics & ICT Competence”
cordially invites you to a seminar on the theme of:

“Developing regions through logistics and ICT competence”

Tuesday, October 16th 2007, at 9.30 a.m. at the Hotel Silken Berlaymont Brussels,

The seminar will highlight the following themes:

– Key findings across 9 Baltic Sea regions of two surveys on the level, costs and needs of Logistics and ICT usage with 1,100+ respondents in each.

– The impact of concrete LogOn Baltic initiatives launched e.g. on
o Putting logistics on the regional political agenda
o Regional airport development
o ICT development of small and medium sized enterprises

Click here for further information and programme.

NEW! The following presentations given at the seminar are available for download:

List of participants (PDF)

Project Introduction (PDF)
Lauri Ojala, Professor, Turku School of Economics, Finland

Status and needs of logistics users and providers in the Baltic Sea region (PDF)
Wolfgang Kersten, President and Professor, Kühne School of Logistics and Management GmbH at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Jürgen Glaser, Manager cluster development, Growth Initiative Süderelbe AG, Germany

Level of ICT usage and needs in the Baltic Sea region (PDF)
Eric Kron, Wismar University, Germany

Tartu airport development (PDF)
Margit Hämarik, Project Manager, Tartu Science Park, Estonia
Rein Jüriado, Ph. D. student, Södertörn University College, Sweden

Enterprise ICT (PDF)
Mikko Pirilä, CEO, Opapoint Ltd., Finland

Developing regions through logistics and ICT competence (PDF)
Tero Hirvilammi, Vice-Mayor City of Turku, Finland

Regional Development Programmes: Project funding in the Programme Period 2007-2013 (PDF)
Ann-Kerstin Myleus, Deputy Head of Territorial Co-operation Unit DG Regional Policy – European Commission

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LogOn Baltic Dissemination Event on 25.10.2007 in Riga, Latvia

Hosted by the Transport and Telecommunication Institute

Agenda (PDF/0,2MB)


LogOn Baltic project and results of Expert Interviews and Development Measure Impact Analysis (PDF/0,3MB)
Presented by Ms. Diana Strode, Project Manager, Riga City Council

Results of Logistics survey held in Latvia 2007 (PDF/0,2MB)
Presented by Mr. Aivars Taurinš, Chairman of the Logistics and Customs Brokers Association of Latvia & Project Director and
Mr. Normunds Kruminš, Project Manger, Logistics and Customs Brokers Association of Latvia

Presentation results of ICT survey in Latvia (PDF/0,3MB)
Presented by Mr. Jurijs Roliks, Project Manager, Transport and Telecommunications Institute

Development of Slavu-Krasta Maskavas node simulation model (PDF/4,7MB)
Presented by Prof. Irina Yatskiv, Transport and Telecommunication Institute and
Ms. Elena Yurshevich, Transport and Telecommunication Institute

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LogOn Baltic Workpackage Meeting 13.-14.9.2007
in St. Petersburg

Hotel Moscow

Programme (PDF/167KB) (in Russian) (PDF/128KB)


Logon Baltic project and overall results (PDF/129KB)
Presented by Prof. Lauri Ojala
Turku School of Economics – Homepage

Best practice in regional development – a successful example from Hamburg, Germany (PDF/443KB)
Presented by Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Hamburg School of Logistics – Homepage
Jürgen Glaser
Growth Initiative Süderelbe AG – Homepage

Logistics in St. Petersburg – Conditions for development (PDF/1,7MB)
Presented by Elena Timofeeva
Saint Petersburg Government Committee for Transport and Transit Policy – Homepage

Развитие логистики в Санкт-Петербурге (PDF/206KB)
Development of logistics in SPb (211KB) (incl. Engl. translation)
Presented by Prof. Valery Lukinsky
Saint Petersburg State University for Engineering and Economics – Homepage

Saint Petersburg ICT use by companies (PDF/81KB)
Presented by Director General Yuri Ardatov
St. Petersburg Development Agency – Homepage

New ICT approach for time reduction of logistics operations in Port Saint-Petersburg (PDF/4,3MB)
Presented by Vice Chairman Alexey Chumak
Saint Petersburg Government Committee for Transport and Transit Policy – Homepage

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TEDIM Seminar 15-16.5.2007 in Helsinki –

The overall theme of the seminar is “EU-Russia Logistics Challenges Today”. The Seminar consists of two parts/days:
During the first day we will get an overall look on Logistics development at the Baltic Sea region from differnt angles – presentations from the viewpoint of the European Union, World Customs Organisation etc. Furthermore, we will learn about some interesting company cases concerning todays demands on SCM processes as well as TEDIM project cases – best practise.

The Second day cosists of parrallel working sessions on following themes

  • Integration of future border-crossing processes with Logistics Centres and SCM
  • Role of new security processes and technologies in SCM and their impact to environment
  • How ICT-development will make supply chains more efficient e.g. e-procurement, new standards in logistics

More detailed Seminar programme will be send to you in the beginning of April.

The Seminar is free of charge for the invited.

For further information, please contact the TEDIM Secretariat

Please feel free to download the presentations given at the TEDIM Seminar on “EU-Russia Logistics Challenges Today” here.

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Hamburg International Conference of Logistics

The Hamburg School of Logistics organizes the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL2007) for the second time on the 6th and 7th of September at the Hamburg University of Technology. The main topic of this year is “Innovation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management”. All interested scientists and practitioners are cordially invited to register for this conference.

For more information, please visit the conference website under If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Philipp Hohrath who is in charge of the conference. You can find his contact details below:

Philipp Hohrath
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42 878 – 4506
Fax: +49 (0)40 42 878 – 2200

Please see the attached Call for Papers for the HICL.

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LogOn Baltic Open seminar
Riga City Council, 21. March 2007

Please feel free to download the presentations given at the LogOn Baltic Open seminar at the Riga City Council on 21. March 2007.


LogOn Baltic – Developing Regions through Spatial Planning and Logistics & ICT Competence. Project Introduction (pdf /230 kb)
by Prof. Lauri Ojala, Turku School of Economics, Finland

LogOn Baltic logistics survey – Preliminary results of the state of logistics in the Baltic Sea Region (pdf /181 kb)
by Mr. Tomi Solakivi, Turku School of Economics, Finland

The needs of the business community towards regional development (pdf /176 mb)
by Mr. Aivars Tauriņš, Logistics and Customs Brokers Association, Latvia

City Logistics Development on the base of Modelling and Simulation (pdf /1 mb)
by Prof. Irina Yatskiv, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia

Enterprise-ICT (Eng) / Yritys-ICT (Fin): Developing ICT in SMEs (Case: Southwest Finland) (pdf /219 kb)
by Mr. Kalle Luhtinen, ICT Turku, Finland

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Mid-term conference 14.-15 December 2006 in Wismar, Germany

Purpose of the meeting is to review the achieved results and give further instructions regarding the different activities and their time schedules, and to solve open issues.

The presentations of the meeting can now be found on the partner intranet.

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The 2nd conference on Baltic Business Development

Szczecin University and Wismar University are organising the 2nd conference on Baltic Business Development which will take place from 4.9. – 5.9.2006 at Szczecin/PL. The confernce will start on 3.9.2006 in the evening with a come-together-party and will end on 5.9.2006 in the evening.

Now we are able to launch the official invitation linked with a CALL FOR PAPER. You can reach all necessary information by reading the web-site:

Due to the fact that Wismar University is co-hosting the conference we have a the possibility to register a limited number of special selected participants till the beginning of June 2006. For this participants registering via Wismar the conference fee will be reduced.

If you are interested to register via Wismar please contact us :

Gunnar Prause:
Anatoli Beifert:

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World Bank Transport Forum 2006, 27.-31.3.2006

Transport Forum is an annual internal event bringing together the network staff to review the contribution of the sector to the corporate agenda. It is also a learning activity that provides Bank staff with the opportunity to share and update their knowledge of the sector. The Forum is open to a narrow audience of transport and development practitioners, including clients and development partners, who can contribute their wealth of experience and development perspective to enrich the debate.

Final presentations are available at the World Bank Transport Website

Further information

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Pan-European Institute conference “The Future Competitiveness of the EU and Its Eastern Neighbours” on 1.-2.9.2006 in Turku, Finland

The conference aims at outlining the future development of the enlarging EU, especially in terms of competitiveness and the Union’s relations to neighbouring countries. The conference creates possibilities for interesting discussions and the development of new ideas and recommendations. The aim of the upcoming conference is to formulate visions and strategies, based on which, future development could be foreseen and companies could be helped to proactively develop their activities.

The conference is targeted to the experts of academia, business community and representatives of public administration. The multidisciplinary conference introduces high level speakers from EU institutions, members of European governments, leading corporations and academic sessions dealing with innovations, competitiveness, economic integration and European policies.

For further information:

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Szczecin University and Wismar University are organising the 2nd conference on Baltic Business Development which will take place from 4.9. – 5.9.2006 at Szczecin/PL. The confernce will start on 3.9.2006 in the evening with a come-together-party and will end on 5.9.2006 in the evening.

Now we are able to launch the official invitation linked with a CALL FOR PAPER. You can reach all necessary information by reading the web-site:

Due to the fact that Wismar University is co-hosting the conference we have a the possibility to register a limited number of special selected participants till the beginning of June 2006. For this participants registering via Wismar the conference fee will be reduced.

If you are interested to register via Wismar please contact us :

Gunnar Prause:
Anatoli Beifert:

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Hamburg International Conference of Logistics: Complexity and Risk Management in Supply Chains on 15.-16.9.2006 in Hamburg, Germany

The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the Hamburg School of Logistics (HSL) are holding the first Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL2006).

Chaired by Professors Wolfgang Kersten and Thorsten Blecker the conference will focus on Complexity and Risk Management in Supply Chains. It is aimed at providing science, business and research with an interdisciplinary forum at which everyone who is involved in planning and implementing supply chains can share views and experience of current issues and research results. Contributions from research and practice in various fields such as management studies, engineering, informatics, law, mathematics and physics are most welcome. The conference will be held at the Hamburg University of Technology.

For further information:

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News services

Internet service portal Logistics Turku Region

Logistics Turku Region is a joint Internet service portal of the transport and logistics companies. It serves as a versatile channel for making new contacts. By using the portal You can take care of all service needs whether directed at transport and logistics services in the Baltic Sea or elsewhere.

We recommend the portals News Service. You will get the latest news from the Logistics Turku Region directly to your e-mail on logistics and transport related issues around the Baltic Sea Region.

The service is provided by the Turku Chamber of Commerce / Logistics CentreTo visit this website, click

Legal Update – The Baltic States

The Pan-Baltic law firm Sorainen Law Offices provides a news service on legal issues in the Baltic States called Legal Update. Subscribers receive a business law update on the Baltic States on a regular basis on changes in the legal and business environment.

To visit this website, click Choose Publications for recent issues and subscription.
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Baltic Rim Economies – Bimonthly Review

The Baltic Rim Economies – Bimonthly Review consists of concise information on recent macroeconomic development, reasons behind important movements and expectations concerning the near future. In addition, we inform our readers of interesting news concerning the business climate, legislation, corporate acquisitions and major foreign direct investments in the three Baltic States and Poland. Each bimonthly report includes 2-5 expert articles on current topics. Starting from February 2006, also the economic development of the Kaliningrad region will be covered regularly in the expert articles of the review.

The Baltic Rim Economies Review is provided by the Pan-European Institute of the Turku School of Economics and Business Administration.

To visit this website, click

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European Union

Baltic Maritime Outlook 2006 – Goods flows and maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region.

The report “Baltic Maritime Outlook 2006 – Goods flows and maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region” examines the goods movement and maritime infrastructure as well as the likely future development and demand of maritime transport in the Baltic Sea region.

The purpose of the report is to contribute to an increased knowledge of the current situation as well as the likely future development of maritime transport in the Baltic Sea Region. It targets both the intra-regional and extra-regional dimensions of trade and transport. Such knowledge is necessary for the further development of transport policies, infrastructure planning, other joint actions in the Baltic Sea region and the development within industry.

The study is performed by SAI (The Institute of Shipping Analysis) in Göteborg, BMT Transport Solutions GmbH in Hamburg and Center for Maritime Studies in Turku.

The report can be downloaded from here
Note: File size 9.31Mb!

DISCLAIMER: Study co-financed by the European Commission through the programme for trans-European transport network. The contents and the views expressed remain the responsibility of the contractors.

EC Communication and Proposal on enhancing supply chain security

In late February the European Commission published a Communication and Proposal on enhancing supply chain security.

Intermodal security policy aims to protect the supply chain against serious interruptions from possible terrorist attacks. Crime prevention can benefit from this approach.

Further information
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EC Public consultation on Logistics for Promoting Freight Intermodality

This Consultation Document on “Logistics for Promoting Freight Intermodality” will lead to a Communication (planned for June 2006) that will examine how framework conditions could be improved in Europe to foster transport logistics excellence with an emphasis on intermodality.

The Communication will analyse and identify tools and areas that could be used to develop further the integration of road, inland waterways, rail, Short Sea Shipping and deep-sea shipping for the transport of freight in Europe towards fulfilling the objectives of the Lisbon agenda and the Transport White Paper “European transport policy for 2010: time to decide”

Further information
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European Commission’s Communication on Freight Logistics:

The European Commission adopted on 28. June 2006 a communication on freight transport logistics (Reported on earlier in LogOnBaltic Newsletter 1/2006). The communication highlights the need for an overall approach to the improvement of transport logistics and rehearses the issues in preparation for an action plan in 2007 to promote such logistics. Transport logistics makes it possible to optimise flows of goods. Logistics is thus an essential tool for meeting the challenges of growing mobility and competitiveness. It is also a means of reducing the adverse effects of mobility, such as pollution, congestion and energy dependence.

The Communication is available on

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