Visiting Poland and gaining international experience 1

Visiting Poland and gaining international experienceVisiting Poland and gaining international experience
This spring has been very memorable, as I have had the pleasure of being a Visiting Professor in Kalisz, Poland. A visiting professor can refer to various kinds of things in the academic world. In this case, I was invited to the Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. ...

Philological fieldwork in London and Turku

Philological fieldwork in London and TurkuPhilological fieldwork in London and Turku
If you trust Wikipedia, fieldwork refers to “the collection of information outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting”. However, philological ‘fieldwork’ often takes place within a library – but instead of reading secondary literature, we examine primary materials. I’m currently a visiting scholar at Queen Mary University of London. During my stay here, I work ...

Beyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary school

Beyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary schoolBeyond the ivory tower: Co-operation with a local upper secondary school
When I was in upper secondary school (‘lukio’ in Finnish), two of my teachers organized a “Rome Club” (‘Rooma-kerho’), which could be taken as an optional course. In order to receive credit for the course, we needed to take part in a variety of activities, one of which was attending guest lectures by researchers and ...