Throughout Finnish elementary school 150-year-history, school craft has served the teaching needs of societal, educational, new craft techniques, tools and materials in every school. This article studies memories associated with school craft throughout three consecutive generations. The focus is particularly on what kind of memories associated with school craft the […]
Månadsarkiv: januari 2019
The questions elaborated upon and discussed in this article emanate from all educational levels at which education and studies in crafts appear in Finland. The following questions permeate the article: What is the status of Finland´s educational craft field at the end of the […]
To be able to learn innovation competencies, pupils need to have opportunities for problem solving in pedagogical innovation processes. Goal orientation has a motivational power for individual engagement in innovative activity. Goal orientation is understood as an individual disposition toward developing one’s ability in achievement settings. It is a way […]
Craft is a compulsory learning-by-doing subject for pupils in grades one to seven. The activities are based on craft expression, design and technology (CDT). This research is part of national endeavours to develop innovative CDT as a basic education subject. This paper briefly explores two studies in which technical work […]
Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan opettajaopiskelijoiden (N=30) portfolioita (N=11) koskien 5.-6-luokan oppilaille toteutettuja teknologiakasvatuksen työpajoja. Tutkimuskysymys on: Mitä mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita käsityön aineenopettajaopiskelijat näkevät teknologiakasvatuksen toteuttamisessa perusopetuksessa. Aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin saadut tulokset painottavat opettajan oman teknologian osaamisen tärkeyttä opettajan järjestäessä oppilaille mielekkäitä teknologian oppimisen mahdollisuuksia. Toiminnallinen ja ilmiölähtöinen oppiminen konkreetissa oppimisympäristössä innostaa oppilaita […]