Book release: HAZARD project is over!
HAZARD was an amazing 3-year journey with the most wonderful crew. The legacy of the project lives on in the form of enhanced safety & security procedures in the Baltic Sea Region ports, various publications, enhanced expertise as well as the established networks and new projects.
The Project Office wanted to add one more item to the list: a book that would pass on the learning experiences and capture the various memories since the beginning of the project.
Now, the editors Lauri Ojala, Mikko Harteela, Oskari Kajander, Minna-Liina Ojala and Jarmo Malmsten may proudly present the book: HAZARD is over!
The paperback version of HAZARD is over! allows the best reading experience, and the book has been mailed all over Europe to our Project Partners and many stakeholders.
HAZARD is over! is a tribute to the various Partners and stakeholders whose expertise, cooperativeness and synergy not only enabled reaching the goals but made it fun and interesting as well. Many of them are introduced in the book, but it is clear that the gratitude reaches far beyond the coverage of those pages. Thank you!
The editors would also like to thank all who shared their ideas, stories, photos and tips for the book project. HAZARD is over! was funded by the EU’s Interreg BSR Programme through the ResQU2 Project Platform. The book was printed by Grano and published by the University of Turku.
HAZARD Project Office organized a small book launch as an after-work event in Turku on Monday 9 March 2020:
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