Large-scale exercise in Klaipeda on 18 October 2018
The11th large-scale exercise of the HAZARD project was arranged in Klaipeda, Lithuania. In the exercise scenario, a truck driver, who arrived at the small-scale SGD terminal, started to act aggressively and threatened to blow up the terminal. Another driver was trying to stop him, but he was seriously injured in the process. Police, first aid and the State Fire and Rescue Service were needed.
The goals for this exercise, in addition to handling a large-scale incident in the area of the port of Klaipeda, were
1. to improve co-operation between the Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit ARAS and other authorities;
2. to improve joint actions between Klaipedos Nafta fire service and the state fire and rescue service;
3. to test fire extinguishing and foam extinguishing systems and
4. to test the use of social media and WhatsApp during the exercise.

The exercise had two parts, the first part happened at the SGD terminal, the second part happened at a nearby school. The aim of the second part was to test the actions between the port authorities and residents of Klaipeda city and educational institutions in case of dangerous incidents in Klaipeda seaport.

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