15. maaliskuuta 2019
Turku workshop on incompleteness and independence
Professori Joseph Almogin organisoima seminaari pidetään Publicumilla luentosalissa Pub 4.
10.00 Joseph Almog (Turku) Opening remarks on workshop theme
10.30 Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki) Independence friendly logic
11.30 Ulla Karhumäki (Manchester) Morley-Group theoretic questions and model theory
12.15 Andrei Rodin (St. Petersburg) Genetic and Axiomatic Methods of Theory-Building from Hilbert to Voevodsky
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Teemu Pirttimäki (Turku) Lindstrom’s theorem
15.30 Kai Hauser (Berlin) What computers cannot do
16.30 Vesa Halava/Joseph Almog (Turku) Completeness as existence of non standard models
17.15-17.30 Concluding Remarks