Helena Siipi
Markku Oksasen ja Helena Siiven toimittama teos The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification. Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014) saapui Britanniasta kirjoittajille tällä viikolla. Julkaisun kunniaksi laitoksella nautittiin perinteiset kakkukahvit (ilman konjakkia).
A new book on the philosophy of de-extinction
This week Markku Oksanen and Helena Siipi received copies of the book they edited The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification. Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014). According to the tradition, the faculty enjoyed a cake with coffee but no cognac.