The Annual Congress for Doctoral Students of the Finnish Doctoral Programme of Philosophy

Susanne Uusitalo & Kreeta Ranki

The beginning of October has traditionally been the time when doctoral candidates from the Finnish universities gather together in Tampere to share their ideas on philosophical problems. The congress has been a great place to learn what other doctoral candidates study as well as who these peers are. A chance of networking and building collegiality are among the benefits to which the participants have access.

The program

This year the topics covered a wide range of philosophy: from contemporary questions in philosophy of science concerning the value of peer review to the discussion of the ontological status of fictional characters; from the problem of the limits of the mind to epistemological issues in historical research. Susanne Uusitalo and Kreeta Ranki represented the University of Turku in Tampere. Susanne discussed addicts’ preferences and Kreeta talked about animals in Kant’s philosophy of mind. Each speaker was ascribed an experienced commentator to ensure that everyone gained useful feedback.


Kreeta Ranki giving a presentation about the role of animals in Immanuel Kant's philosophy of mind.
Kreeta Ranki giving a presentation about the role of animals in Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of mind.


Valtakunnallisen filosofian tohtoriohjelman järjestämä vuosittainen tohtoriopiskelijoiden kongressi antaa mahdollisuuden tutustua vertaistensa tekemään tutkimukseen. Tänä vuonna kolmipäiväisessä kongressissa kuultiin esitelmiä esimerkiksi vertaisarvioinnin ongelmista, fiktionaalisten henkilöhahmojen ontologisesta asemasta, mielen rajoista ja historian tutkimuksen epistemologisista erityispiirteistä. Turun yliopiston filosofian laitokselta mukana olivat Susanne Uusitalo ja Kreeta Ranki.


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