Brocher Fellowship in February and March in 2014

Doctoral Candidate Susanne Uusitalo spent part of her spring at the Brocher Foundation in Hermance, Switzerland. The foundation supports bioethical research by selecting researchers from different disciplines to come and do their own research at the foundation situated by Lake Geneva. The foundation also hosts workshops and symposia on the ethical, legal and social implications of the development of medical research and biotechnologies.

Uusitalo applied for the foundation to work on her Ph.D. thesis that deals with questions of addiction. The breathtakingly beautiful surroundings and the inspiring bioethical atmosphere of the fellow researchers fuelled her writing process. As the foundation is close to Geneva, the researchers have a chance to arrange visits and collaborate with institutions and organizations in the area. During her stay, Uusitalo visited the headquarters of the World Health Organization as well as the primary care unit (for drug addicts) at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève.

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Most of the research fellows in March presented their projects in the beginning of the month.

Professori Koistinen Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian jäseneksi

Teoreettisen filosofian professori Olli Koistinen on valittu Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian uudeksi jäseneksi. Tiedeakatemia jakaantuu kahteen osastoon, matemaattis-luonnontieteelliseen sekä humanistiseen, joista jälkimmäisen jäseneksi Koistinen on nyt valittu. Tiedeakatemian varsinaisiksi jäseniksi kutsutaan ansioituneita suomalaisia tieteenharjoittajia.

Oppiaineen väki onnittelee professori Koistista!


Professor Olli Koistinen has been chosen as a new member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and Letters. The folks at the phil-unit wish to present their warmest congratulations!

Professori Veikko Launis 50 vuotta

Lääketieteellisen etiikan professori Veikko Launis täytti pyöreät 50 vuotta 23.3.2014. Juhlaseminaari merkkipäivän kunniaksi järjestettiin Publicumilla 21.3.

Seminaarin avasi sen puheenjohtajana toiminut professori Juha Räikkä. Ensin esitettiin asiaan kuuluvia tervehdyksiä ja onnitteluja päivänsankarille.

Filosofian oppiaineen tervehdyksen toimitti professori Eerik Lagerspetz (ks. kuva alla). Lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan dekaani Tapani Rönnemaa esitti tiedekunnan onnittelut, ja kultturihistorian oppiaineen sekä Tiuku-hankkeen tervehdyksen hankkeen puheenjohtajalle toi Annakaisa Suominen. Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin eettinen toimikunta tervehti merkkipäiväänsä viettävää jäsentään puheenjohtajansa Mika Scheininin ja asiantuntijalääkäri Tiina Variksen voimin.

Eerik Lagerspetz toimitti filosofian oppiaineen tervehdyksen
Professori Eerik Lagerspetz (vas.) toimitti filosofian oppiaineen tervehdyksen päivänsankarille.

Seminaarin esitelmät avasi Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin johtajaylilääkäri, dosentti Samuli Saarni esitelmällä Filosofi sairaalaa johtamassa. Tämän jälkeen esitelmöivät Helena Siipi (Lajien henkiinherättäminen sukupuutto- ja lajikäsitysten näkökulmasta) ja Markku Oksanen (Tiedon valikoiminen ja aidot moraaliongelmat bioetiikassa) filosofian oppiaineesta.

Seminaarin päätti teoreettisen filosofian professorin Olli Koistisen esitelmä Medicina mentis: filosofia lääketieteenä, jonka jälkeen kuultiin vielä päivänsankarin puheenvuoro.

Olli Koistinen puhui filosofiasta lääketieteenä
Professori Olli Koistinen puhui filosofiasta lääketieteenä.

Filosofian oppiaineen henkilökunta onnittelee Veikkoa lämpimästi!

Lue myös yliopiston mediatiedote.

A New Book on Social Philosophy

Juha Räikkä’s essay collection Social Justice in Practice has been published by Springer last week. The book has twelve chapters. Some of the chapters are revised versions of previously published articles. Others are new papers, including the chapter that criticizes the so-called pragmatic turn in political philosophy. Those who support the “pragmatic turn” argue that political philosophy should have a clear practical relevance so that the redommendations of political theories would have an action-guiding character, here and now. Räikkä points out that much of what political philosophers say is really meant to guide our thoughts rather than the actions of those who make political decisions today, and that there is an excellent justification for this practice (a justification which is based on the analysis of the notion of feasibility). By having an influence on ideas and ideals people have, political philosophy may indeed have action-guiding results, but only in the long run. As Kant once said, “we shall have been long dead and buried when the fruits we helped to sow are harvested”.

The eBook is available at the UTU electronic library. The announcement of the book is available on publisher’s website.

Räikkä - Social Justice in Practice


Kirja jalkapallon filosofiasta

Sokrateen syöksypusku – Jalkapallon filosofiaa on turkulaistaustaisen Mikael Melanin yhdessä Jussi Antti Saarisen kanssa toimittama teos jalkapallon filosofiasta. Turkulaista filosofiaa kirjassa edustaa Melanin kirjoituksen lisäksi myös Markku Oksasen kirjoitus.

Lisätietoja teoksesta kustantajan nettisivulta.

Sokrateen syöksypusku


A Finnish book on the philosophy of soccer is available. For more information, see publisher’s website (in Finnish).

A course available in Philosophy of Theory of Evolution

Professor Joseph Almog will teach course Evolution theory, Natural science and our place in Nature.

The course begins on Tuesday 4.3.2014 (10–12, Publicum 150), and continues on Mondays (12–14, Pub 150) until 12.5. No pre-registration required.

Abstract for the course can be found at utu-website.



Kurssi evoluutioteorian filosofiassa

Professori Joseph Almog luennoi kurssin Evolution theory, Natural science and our place in Nature alkaen tiistaina 4.2.2014 10–12. Muut luennot maanantaisin 12–14 12.5. asti.

Paikkana filosofian seminaarihuone 150 Publicumilla. Kurssi ei edellytä ilmoittautumista.

Kurssin tiivistelmä löytyy yliopiston sivuilta.


Rationalist Club meetings:

Forthcoming Rationalist Club Meetings at Phil Department (on Fridays at noon):

7.3. Tuomas Tahko (Helsinki): Moderately Naturalistic Metaphysics

14.3. Juho Ritola (Turku): On circular reasoning

For complete schedule, visit Rationalist Club website.

European Universities on Professionalization on Humanitarian Action (EUPRHA)

Daniel Weyermann

The University of Turku, through the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy, has been actively involved in the European Initiative “European Universities on Professionalization on Humanitarian Action” (EUPRHA). In Turku, the project has been managed and coordinated by Prof. Juha Räikkä. Daniel Weyermann has been active as a researcher.

The aim of the EUPRHA project is to contribute to the professionalization of the humanitarian sector by means of the promotion of a competence-based education of the humanitarian workforce. Actively involved are 30 European universities, Network on humanitarian Action (NOHA) Alumni, and two humanitarian associations (The Sphere Project, The International Council of Voluntary Associations).

The project has been working on the following issues during the last few years:

  • Work Group Mapping: The result will be a database with actors and educators in the humanitarian sector covering all European countries.
  • Work Group Qualifications Framework: The result will be a European Qualifications Framework for the humanitarian sector. (See
  • Work Group Trends: The result will be an analysis of trends in the humanitarian sector as well as of skills for new and old jobs therein.

The University of Turku has been participating in the work groups mapping, and in the dissemination of the project and its findings in Finland. For the case of Finland, it was found that there are several central actors in the humanitarian sector in Finland (such as Finn Church Aid), as well as a range of actors that also, and often more explicitly, focus on development issues. Finland lacks explicit and professional education in the field of humanitarian action, be it on university or vocational education level. Courses in development studies at universities or through the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) seem relevantly related, but often do not explicitly focus on humanitarian action issues.

The results of the project will be presented in summer 2014, at the final EUPRHA conference that will be held in Brussels. The project will also be officially closed with this conference. There are, however, plans to uphold the cooperation amongst the 30 involved universities and to further pursue – be it formally or informally – the professionalization of humanitarian action in European countries.

For more information, please visit

Kirja lajien henkiinherättämisen filosofisista ongelmista

Helena Siipi

Markku Oksasen ja Helena Siiven toimittama teos The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification. Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014) saapui Britanniasta kirjoittajille tällä viikolla. Julkaisun kunniaksi laitoksella nautittiin perinteiset kakkukahvit (ilman konjakkia).



A new book on the philosophy of de-extinction

This week Markku Oksanen and Helena Siipi received copies of the book they edited The Ethics of Animal Re-creation and Modification. Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring (Palgrave MacMillan, 2014). According to the tradition, the faculty enjoyed a cake with coffee but no cognac.